I'm Simon
Frontend Engineer from Berlin
Latest blog posts

The Duality of CLS with Lazy Loading Components

When you optimise your web app, your goal is to make the experience better for the user: That means usually ‘faster’ by transferring and parsing less data. But caution: The same web app can cause Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) on slower connections but runs without CLS on faster connection. If you’d like a refresher about Core Web Vitals, I explained them with GIFs in this post. TL;DR: slower connections can result in CLS when lazy loading components that you wouldn’t see on wifi connections.

Sued by Using Google Fonts: Data Privacy and GDPR

The German court has ruled last month that Google Fonts is not in compliance with GDPR. The integration of dynamic web content such as Google Fonts from US web services is illegal without the consent of the visitor. A website operator received a fine of 100€. The Munich court clearly wanted to set an example. They even mentioned the next fine will be 250.000€ for the website operator if they don’t comply.

An Ode to AngularJS

In remembrance of my first love. Your LTS came finally to an end. You retired on 31st December 2021. You will always have a special place in my heart. You arrived with great anticipation, Put the web dev world upside down; Model, View and Controller were in separation, Even Javascript beginners didn’t frown. Be it JavaScript, CoffeeScript or SCSS, You handled them all in a snap; Grunt helped you to transpile and compress,

Simon Wicki
Simon Wicki
Previously Head of Frontend at JustWatch. Co-organizer of @IonicBerlin. Creator of https://notyfy.co. I love building things, coffee and books. Berlin.
Ionic · VueJS · Angular · React · SSR · Capacitor / Cordova

Work Experience
2019 — now

Working on existing and new hybrid apps, planning and implementing component based frontend architecture in existing enterprise setting, SSR, migrating frontends to newer frameworks.

2015 — 2019
Head of Frontend

At JustWatch I was responsible developing and maintaining one of the biggest Ionic hybrid apps in the world with 12M monthly active users over iOS, Android and web.
Fully migrated the code base from Ionic v1, AngularJS and Cordova to Ionic v4, VueJS, VueX, Capacitor and TypeScript.
Conducting A/B tests while maintaining a high functioning SEO site. Lead a team of frontend engineers.

  • 12M monthly active users
  • Web, Android, iOS
  • One of the biggest Hybrid Apps in the world
  • AngularJS—later rewritten in VueJS and TypeScript
  • Ionic

2011 — 2015

Working on landing pages, full stack solutions and web apps.

Ionic · VueJS · Capacitor · AngularJS · TypeScript
React · Redux · TypeScript · Chrome Extension · Ionic
Facebook Messenger Chat Bot
NodeJS · Facebook Messenger · Heroku
Game Music Player PWA
Angular · Ionic · PWA
PWAs mit Ionic
Workshop Barcelona · 2017